Our Programme
Toi Ora provides free weekly classes in painting, drawing, writing, poetry, creative writing, music, drama, and other subjects for anyone experiencing mental distress, addiction, or brain injury.
Free Classes in
Once you walk through the front door, we refer to you as an Artist. Our experienced tutors guide, inspire, suggest, and encourage Toi Ora artists to express their own creative vision. It’s a safe and supportive environment to be yourself, where you are at today.
Enrolment & Registration
Toi Ora has rolling enrolment. That means you can join or re-join at anytime, not just the beginning of the year or the term.
To register, complete the online registration form via the button below or submit the Print Registration Form in-person or via email to info@toiora.org.nz. If you get overwhelmed or need help completing the form, give us a call at 09 360 4171 and we will help you through it.
Processing times
After submitting your application, we will contact you to set up an orientation meeting and and confirm your class times and dates. Applications generally processed within 5 business days.
Once you’ve registered
Once you start classes, your registration remains valid within 18 months of the last class you attended. Let us know when health or life circumstances come up, we may be able to send home an art pack or recommend virtual options for you.

Term Dates
Term 1: 3 February – 11 April 2025
Term 2: 28 April –27 June 2025
Term 3: 14 July – 19 September 2025
Term 4: 6 October – 19 December 2025
What our artists are saying
“Toi Ora was fundamental in my road to recovery and rediscovery. The encouragement and support showed to me by the staff and professionals at Toi Ora is something I’ll remember for the rest of my life.”
– Maia, Avondale
“At Toi Ora, I came to understand that my paintings don’t have to be perfect to be good enough. That’s something that I’ve now been able to apply to my life outside the studio.”
– Marcia, Freeman’s Bay