Everyone’s an artist at Toi Ora

Everyone’s an artist at Toi Ora

Susanne Ritzenhoff, Toi Ora Director Insights and reflections on mental wellbeing and the role of the arts Recently QWB Lab’s Senior Consultant Linda Gilbert sat down with Susanne Ritzenhoff, Director of Toi Ora Live Trust. The concept of Toi Ora translates as...
Tutor Spotlight – Daniel Larsen-Barr

Tutor Spotlight – Daniel Larsen-Barr

Daniel Larsen-Barr – Poetry Writing and Performance Tutor Daniel is our Poetry Writing and Performance tutor. He has been with Toi Ora for around a decade. He is of Ngāti Apakura descent. Although he describes himself as a fairly reclusive person, Daniel says...
Spotlight on Nikki Dixon

Spotlight on Nikki Dixon

Artist Spotlight  Nikki Dixon  Our Artist spotlight this week is shining on Nikki Dixon, her mosaics lined the walls at Toi Ora for the current Mosaic Exhibition.  From Lady Gaga, Rob Muldoon and Jacinda Ardern and our personal favorite Yoko Ono...
Printmaking Exhibition

Printmaking Exhibition

The Printmaking Exhibition starts on Nov 30th and runs until the end of term! With an Opening Celebration on 5th December from 1:30pm-2:30pmThis will be our last Exhibition for 2023, a huge big mihi to Andrē for working so hard to get the work up, working with artists...