
At Toi Ora, we believe in the power of art and creativity to transform lives. Your support can make a profound difference in the lives of individuals who are on a journey of healing, self-discovery, and personal growth through the arts. By making a donation, you are contributing to a vibrant community where creativity knows no bounds.

Your generosity helps us provide a safe space for artistic expression and mental well-being, fostering hope and resilience. Join us in making art accessible and help us continue to inspire, empower, and heal through creativity.  Please consider making a donation today to be a part of this transformative work.

$35 gives a week of tea & biscuits to fuel the creative journey.

$65 sends home art pack for when health or life circumstances come up.

$100 frames the art for someone’s first exhibition.

$250 provides wrap around services for unstable food/housing disclosures.

$500 sponsors a daytime exhibition celebrating the work of Toi Ora artists.

$1,000 – $5,000 sponsors an evening exhibition uplifting tāngata whaiora with their community and whānau.

Bank Deposit

To make a deposit directly to our account:

Toi Ora Live Art Trust 38-9007-0876698-00

Please put your name in the Particulars. Then email your contact information so that we can issue your donation receipt ( or 09 360 4171).

Toi Ora is a registered charity (CC44168) with the Charities Commission under the Charities Act 2005.
Leave a legacy – Bequests

Did you know that leaving a gift of even 1% in your Will can make a huge difference for the work we do here at Toi Ora?

If you are interested in leaving a legacy, we suggest the following language:

I give to Toi Ora Live Art Trust (CC44168) the residue of my estate (or __% of my estate/the sum of $__ / the property or asset to be given) for its general purposes and declare that the receipt of an authorised officer shall be full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.

We greatly appreciate being notified that you plan to leave a gift in your will. If you have any questions or would like to notify us, please contact us at or 09 360 4171.